Andrew Letailleur

Game Tinkerer

The making of,
Web Petz

Developers of this Project

*Group Img*

Ross Hugh Kilpatrick (B00329152)

Project Manager
and Designer

Damian Slocombe (B00329648)

Lead Programmer
and QA

Andrew Letailleur (B00334945)

Developer and

Development History

Pre-Production - Game Doc

We had 4 weeks to do the game design document, at minimum. Thankfully, our team knew eachother for awhile, so we joined forces without issues, brainstormed some ideas relating to how the multiplayer game itself could be designed. This led to the development of the idea in concept, that is a pet game with many mini-games embedded within the main game, that is multiplayer in focus with pet interaction.

From the getgo, we were required to use Phaser 3, for the reason of it being a stable web game engine. we talked on how to make the game we envisioned within a limited timeframe, which Damian covered as lead Programmer and QA. Ross focused on dealing with the project management, along with the design of the pets themselves. While I focused on the audio design, the required software and hardware, along with some examples of the pseudo-code.

Mini-Gameplay Scene

Brief Status of Final State of document
It was a bit last minute, but I believe we finished all of our assigned tasks. Afterwards, Ross compiled the Final version of the document into word, before hand in. In particular, it featured a few examples of possible mini-game, but featured functional concept art and an idea on how to have multiplayer functionality, to meet the core requirement for the group project.

You can download our draft Game's Document here.

IMG Icon - Gamey

Key Features

The game is envisioned to have the following Features...

  • Ability to raise a virtual pet
  • Train your pet in mini-games, that has multiplayer functionality.
  • Have your pet evolve, depending on how it's cared for
  • Nostalgiac art, remniscent of past virtual pet games.
  • Made in Phaser 3!

Sample Pet - Baby

Development - Summary

From the getgo, we had a strong team and vision, to complete an ambitious project of having a 'main' game, linked to various sub-games. During development however, we had to deal with constant bugs and technical issues within Phaser 3. But by and large, it did not deter us from creating a core gameplay loop. Along with add little bits of visual, and audio charm to make the game more immersive, and iconic as a whole.

This led to having a functional back end system, to create the mini-games. And with not just a minimum variety of mini-games, but also a meta game included, dealing with evolving pets during gameplay. With the pets themselves growing as you play various mini-games. With the pets themselves evolving into a different states or pet types, depending on what mini-games are played.

You can download the updated Game's Document here.
You can watch the sample gameplay here
Finally, you can download my development log here.

Meta Gameplay Scene

Evaluation - Conclusion

In general, I feel that as a team, we did our best to create a playable game, that could do with some polish

Fancy playing the game we made? Click here to go and play Web Petz.